What is Cloud Bare Metal?
The bare-metal environment where you are able to run your own private cloud. You can choose to run Linux or Windows right on top of the server or run on any Hypervisor technology like VMWare, XEN, KVM and more.
Cloud Private gives you the maximum flexibility possible. You can also connect the servers to your local data center and establish a hybrid cloud setup using private fibre connectivity or through VPN.
At ReadySpace, we offer the flexibility and design consultation that you need to run a successful Bare Metal for your application. The servers can be mixed and matched depending your business demand. These servers can run on Intel, AMD or IBM Power processors.
Main features
Maximum Performance
Run your application with the least overhead possible.
Direct Connect
Connect between your local data center to us privately.
Server Cluster
Establish your own private cluster based on your own design.
Why Provision Bare Metal
Here are a few use-cases for bare metal (physical server) provisioning in cloud; there are doubtless many more interesting ones:– High-performance computing clusters
– Computing tasks that require access to hardware devices which can’t be virtualized
– Database hosting (some databases run poorly in a hypervisor)
– Single tenant, dedicated hardware for performance, security, dependability and other regulatory requirements
– Or, rapidly deploying a cloud infrastructure
Are Bare Metal Servers the Right Fit?
Despite their overwhelming popularity, bare metal servers are not the best choice for every type of business.Companies in the financial, healthcare and retail industries opt for single-tenant, bare metal servers to meet stringent requirements for regulatory compliance, privacy and security. But businesses that don’t need the performance and security requirements of a dedicated environment are often a good fit for a fully managed, virtualized environment.
How Can We Help You With Your Bare Metal Server Needs
As a cloud service provider, we have provided countless companies with bare metal servers, whether they’re using public, private or hybrid clouds. Our dedicated server customers needed to upgrade their legacy systems and optimize the performance of its IT infrastructure. We’ve also helped countless software company, reliably provide its digital offerings in a private cloud.We have worked with these numerous companies, to understand their unique business needs and pain points — and to provide them with the best configuration of bare metal servers for their public, private and hybrid clouds.
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